Astrid Kuchenbecker

Coaching & Coaching

Focus Areas:

  • Support of (cultural) change processes​
  • Design of new forms of leadership and cooperation​
  • Team development​
  • Experience-oriented management development​
  • Design of thinking and learning spaces​
  • Individual development support


  • > 22 years consulting experience / > 11 years coaching experience​
  • Diploma in communication​
  • Master of Arts, Personnel and Organizational Development


  • Freelance organizational consultant, facilitator and coach​
  • Consultant and advisor in human resource and organizational development Volkswagen Group


  • Systemic Organizational Consultant / Professio​
  • Behavioral and Communication trainer / ABF e.V. ​
  • Targetoriented Coaching / Prof. Dr. S. Greif, ABF e.V. ​
  • Neuro-Systemische Beratung und Embodiment / Scola Bildungsakademie gGmbH + Odenwald Institut ​
  • Consulting and Coaching Zürcher Ressourcen Modell / Dr. Giovanna Eilers​
  • Relaxation coach / AHAB Akademie