20 fantastic women set out with Doerte Westphal and me. We have already spent the first two seminar blocks of 2 days each and a collegial coaching together. Still ahead of us are a meeting for collegial coaching and the final seminar.
In the start seminar – the first part of the leadership series – it is about getting to know each other, starting a network, finding out what is important to everyone in leadership. But also to recognize and question leadership codexes as well as current images of women.
In the kick-off seminar, this was helped by:
- Getting to know each other and sharing our own motivation
- Presenting ourselves in an Elevator Pitch and conveying the essence of our own leadership image
- Developing a strong personal goal
- Reflecting on the motivation of employees with the donkey exercise and also experiencing frustration at times
- Know the tasks of leadership based on the Simsa / Patak model
- Women’s images and advancement: reflection and exchange
- Personal leadership SWOT
- Forming triads that accompany and support each other on the path to leadership
In the specialist seminar – the second part of the leadership series – our focus is on the topic of strategy, exchange with already successful leaders, reflection of personality and communication patterns as well as the conduct of conversations.
We use:
- 9 / 12 Using fields in our own environment
- Riemann Thomann Cross
- Locate the team on the Riemann Thomann Cross and derive insights
- Conversation patterns based on non-violent communication
- Discussion round with leaders designed by the participants
I am already looking forward to the collegial coaching that will take place soon!
In a nutshell:
Enabling entry. Encourage to be able to experience as diverse leadership as possible in non profit institutions. But also have the space to clarify for yourself: Is leadership right for me?
The leadership series of the Diakonie, which I accompany together with Doerte Westphal has started again. The program covers a wide variety of perspectives on leadership.